How To Dock a Jet Ski On a Floating Dock

Weekends spent in the sun and on the lake are a refreshing way to pass the time. Many jet ski enthusiasts know that floating docks are a great option to provide a portable, easily installed PWC lift. However, they may not know how to dock a jet ski on a floating dock. Check out our guide below for step-by-step instructions on how to dock a jet ski.

Docking a Jet Ski: Your Step-By-Step Guide

Learning how to dock a jet ski on a floating dock is easy when you read these simple steps. Jet ski docks are designed to keep your PWC safe and secure out of the water when not in use. Follow our instructions on how to dock your jet ski when you are ready to leave for the day.

1. Approach the Floating Dock

While observing the no wake zone at your local marina, idle toward your floating dock and approach it from the stern. Docking a jet ski on a PWC lift requires open space toward the rear of the floating dock (the opposite side of the winch).

2. Center Your Jet Ski With the Floating Dock and Climb to Safety Pause Position

Floating docks from Jet Dock have a central tracking lane that makes lining up easy. Center your jet ski on the loading side of the dock with the nose of the jet ski aligned with the center of the floating dock. Once aligned, provide mild throttle to gently climb up onto the Jet Dock approximately one-third of the way or to where the Safety Pause decals are visible. Hold this position and be patient… there’s no hurry, your Jet Dock has got you!

3. Apply Throttle to Complete your Drive-on

Now that you are centered with your PWC lift, you will apply about 60% throttle to get the jet ski up on to the platform. This is the most challenging but exciting part of docking a jet ski. You have to apply enough throttle to get your jet ski moving but you don't want to use too much, otherwise you will overrun the floating dock. With practice, you will know how much throttle to apply. And don’t forget how important the Safety Pause is… from that position you have a lot more control to dry-dock yourself perfectly!

4. Turn Off Engine and Disembark

An easy one to forget but crucial nonetheless. Turn off the engine for your jet ski and carefully disembark onto the platform. Make sure that the jet ski is completely out of the water and does not overhang the edge of the dock. If it does, attach the jet ski to the winch and tow it the rest of the way up.

How To Dock a Jet Ski

How to Get a Jet Ski Off a Floating Dock

The process for how to get a jet ski off a floating dock is far more straightforward.

  • Remove any coverings you may have placed on the jet ski.
  • Visually inspect the PWC for damage to any part of the vessel.
  • Once completed, disconnect the jet ski and walk towards the stern.
  • While standing on the last cube, use two hands to lift and slide the jet ski seaward. This is not as hard as it sounds because as you lift the dock flexes down beneath you, and as you lean seaward you can use your momentum to get the craft moving. Don’t be afraid! Your flexible Jet Dock does not allow the craft to go flying off the edge of a cliff like it would if this were a single piece slab.
  • Once the rear of the jet ski is in the water, board the jet ski and start up. The weight of the PWC and your own weight should be enough to remove the jet ski from the floating dock, or use reverse if you have it.

For drive-on and launch instructions and video demonstrations, click here.

Find Your Floating Dock Online at Jet Dock

Now that you know how to dock a jet ski on a floating dock, you can find the best PWC lifts online at Jet Dock. Our jet ski docks and dock accessories pair the best in modular deck technology with quality mooring and stowage parts. Get the most out of your PWC with a jet ski dock from Jet Dock.

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